Saturday, September 6, 2008

Here we go...

Welcome to Brooklyn Homemade!
I hope to bring you a series of delicious meals that will help get you through the week and make the weekend all the more extravagant.

I found myself getting deeper and deeper into my food obsession; taking photographs of my creations, searching out recipes for random ingredients like purslane and lavender, and collecting vintage cooking supplies to fill my kitchen. I thought maybe I should do something a bit more with my pictures and recipes rather than just storing them on my computer...and here we are!

I hope you enjoy my recipes and musings and continue to check out Brooklyn Homemade. Rather then give you my life story now, let's get to the food and get to all that as we go along!

The first recipe I wanted to share with you is simple and perfect for this time of the year: OVEN DRIED CHERRY TOMATOES.

As the summer is coming quickly to an end (sniffle), this is a great way to use your tomatoes and have them around after they are no longer available at the farmer's market. You can use any variety of cherry or grape tomatoes for this recipe. Or, if you can get your hands on some plum tomatoes, these will work fantastically as well. First thing you want to do is rinse all your tomatoes and leave them on a towel to dry. Then, simply cut them all in half and lay on a parchment lined cookie sheet with a few cloves of garlic.

Drizzle all with your favorite olive oil (my dad's spicy, rosemary garlic would work nice here) and place in a 250 degree oven for about 3 hours. Once they are nice and dry but still have a bit of moisture to them take out of the oven and leave to cool. Once completely cooled, place in your favorite jar and cover with some more olive oil.

Then enjoy by the forkful, placed in your Sunday omelet, paired with toasty bread and goat cheese, or in pasta with basil (or mint) and fresh mozzarella. Delicioso!

**also...keep the extra oil as this adds an extra, je ne sais quoi, to any veggie you saute or mixed into any grain dish.**